Saturday, 23 October 2010

Sentence 4.7 Pot, Kettle

Poka châ ya poka wodata tí dasham, kodin?

Is a teapot the same as a kettle? The literal order is Pot tea and pot water is the-same, no?

So the word poka can mean teapot or kettle. The word that follows poka distinguishes its use.

Wodata means water. When it stands on its own like here it is always in the plural number.

Dasham, the same, is written as one word. The first morpheme is da, the feminine definite or demonstrative article or pronoun. The second part of the word is the stem sha which is used to mean all or like or together. It can often stand on its own. Without researching my construction of this word I would suspect that the m-ending is used here to mark it as a thing-word.

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