Tuesday, 14 September 2010

I like

Duen. Bodú mí suk kiriban

I am in the process of organising for moving house, an activity that throws me into great anxiety. As a distraction I will post another sentence.

In this one pupil says Good, I like writing. Ghostians don't use a verb for liking, they use an adjective. It belongs to a set of adjectives, only a handful, that agree with the subject when in the predicate position. We have already met gotú, ready. Most adjectives in this position would default to the simple form which is used for the masculine case. Sad, but true. Apologies if you think this is chauvinist. It just happens that way. Let's hope that the ghostians can live out their equality even if their language doesn't.

Kiriban is the word for writing. It's a feminine noun and takes the accusative ending in this position because it is considered impersonal.

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