Sunday, 23 September 2012

Conlang Relay 19 Paragraph Two

Second Paragraph:

Deng a lúka ve'de. Pena kúhya, brekí ve kashten, “Ya botí, na'dâ pochen shodya nisha benan. Na'dâ ve kashoden ye dâya lúb, dok gúya pena Sei ei petten so bina wa nastrí, dok kembí ve kawidet.” Botí ve shahente, dok deng a lúka ve shodyete bôt.

Deng a lúka ve'de.
A bird and a mouse were there.
bird.nominative associative.s mouse.genitive non-present be-at.past.

Pena kúhya, brekí ve kashten, “Ya botí, na'dâ pochen shodya nisha benan.
On hearing, they said, "O rocks, we can go beyond the mountain.
locative hear/listen.infinitive 3p non-present say.past.plural vocative rock.plural can.present.plural go.infinitive locative.beyond mountain.accusative.

"Na'dâ ve kashoden ye dâya lúb, dok gúya pena Sei ei petten so bina wa nastrí, dok kembí ve kawidet."
We will go and come back, and tell to you about what we see, and you will know. future.go.plural associative.p come.infinitive return then tell.infinitive locative reflexive topic what.dative which-is see-infinitive instrumental 1p.genitive then you non-present future.know.3s.

Botí ve shahente, dok deng a lúka ve shodyete bôt.
The rocks agreed, and the bird and the mouse went away.
rock.plural non-present agree.past then bird associative.s mouse.genitive non-present go.past away.

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