Friday, 17 September 2010

Needs must

Ei kiriba, a tí dribí kakaye tua

I'm having one of those sentences that leads me to revise an earlier one.

Pupil asks What do we need for writing. That's how we would say it in English. The order is different in ghostian.

The topic comes first. It is the word kiriba preceded by the topic marker ei. The topic marker is a weaselly word in ghostian. It blurs between being a preposition, a verb, or a particle. It can mean 'for' or 'about' or 'there is', depending how it is used. Kiriba has dropped the accusative ending used in earlier sentences. The plain noun is the form used after ei.

After the topic the main clause uses the word dribí, need or necessary. In ghostian this is a plural noun, and with , is, are, is used to mean 'we need'. The pronoun can be assumed here. The object after the verb is kakaye tua, what kind of things. Tua is the plural form of neuter noun tuon, thing. Before it the interrogative adjective kakai also changes to the plural adjective.

Looking for words in the earlier dialogues I realise that dribí is the word I wanted when the Host in the first dialogue said 'no need'. It should be kodnen dribí. I shall have to go to the complete dialogue at Frathwiki and correct it. I think it works better, which is a purely subjective thing, of course.

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