Sunday, 13 February 2011

An Occasional Word: Shente

  • Shente: people, a people, folk, members of an ethnic group

    Bodúta dien yodní shente, We become a people.

    While I'm battling with deciding where to go next with Pronouns I will post some words. This seemed a good one with which to start. It is the only word that I have listed under Groupings of People. So I will use it as a working name for the Eclectic Language People. They are the Shente.

    The word comes from French gens. The ending -te comes from a list of weak plural endings in Gaelic. As a rule it goes on the end of any noun that ends in an non-obstruent, especially n, l, (r) and s. It is the same morpheme at the end of boduúta, so it wonders around a bit; and obviously plays around with a rough rule of vowel harmonisation. -Te if the word is made of front vowels; -ta if the word is made of back vowels. Originally bodú, I, your servant, was written as boduh. I decided that the word-final h was fricative enough to allow the weak plural ending. As the word shifted with use the weak ending has remained.

    Note that descriptive words with shente also have to be in the plural, like yodní.

    The sentence comes from a creation myth and is the first statement about human beings after they came out of the ground into the world of light. It is an important statement.
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