Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Dialogue 1: A Friend Arrives

Host: Ei chomú-dâ kú pirasThere is someone at the door
Servant: Chota ítí ta?Who is there?
Friend: Ei'mIt is I
Visitor: Chota tí ta?Who is it?
Host: Bodú úwedshimI don't know
Visitor: Bodú ve kayir siestantI will go see
Host: Kain gieruk. Bodú ve kabâm Shinuwin yirantNo need, I shall tell Shinuwin to go
Host: Shinuwin!Shinuwin!
Servant: Íe!Yes!
Host: Dâo dâ!Come here!
Servant: Íe!Yes!
Host: Ei chomú-dâ kú piras. Yirú siestant chota tí ta.There is someone at the door. Go and see who it is.
Servant: Íe!Right!
Servant: Korí ya, kakai sinú tí kembí?What is your name, sir?
Friend: Moi sinú tí Trushikan. A ítí korí Kinig kú soi?My name is Trushika. Is Mr Kinig at home?
Servant: Íe, taní ítí kú soi. Kulahú penyirant dâYes, he is. Please come in
Friend: ÂrigetThank you
Servant: Korí Trushika ítí dâde Mr. Trushika has come
Host: Kulahú ten penyirant dâAsk him to come in
Host: Korí Trushika ya, a ítí kembí duono ya?Hello Mr. Trushika, how are you?
Friend: Duoní. Korí Kinig a koren Shirab ya, a ítí ba kembien duonoQuite well. Are you Mr. Kinig and Mr. Shirab, both well?
Host and Visitor: Duoní, duoní. Kulahú siedant súdakembíQuite well. Please take a seat
Friend: Âriget ârigetThank you, thank you
Host: Brobú chân!Prepare tea!
Servant: Kembí guôt dâ nena dok bodú dâComing in a moment
Host: Kulahú, korí Trushika, pihant chânTake some tea Mr. Trushika
Friend: ÂrigetThank you
Host: A pohatíshim siedant súdakembí nidolgon bikkonCan't you stay a little longer?
Friend: Púch! Ta tí chota-dâ so kapena bodú kiekant. Bodú múhe tai redyirSorry! There is someone waiting for me. I must return
Friend: Ûhim'na príantantie.Don't get up.
Host and Visitor: Ishikude dât talik a nena!Where do such words come from!
All together: Dua sieh, dua siehGood-bye, good-bye